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Our Board

Utigwe Uwa (SAN)

Etigwe Uwa (SAN) FCIArb is the Chairman of the Board of NOI Poll Limited.
He is a consummate Legal Practitioner who has been involved in numerous arbitrary and litigation matters. He successfully defended a Korean off-shore consortium contractor of Mobil in arbitration proceedings, in a claim for the sum of approximately US$10,000,000. This was in relation to the construction of a gas injection project in Asaba.

He was educated at the Nigerian Law School, and earned a Bachelor of Law in 1990 and he obtained his first degree from University of Lagos, LL.B (Hons) in 1989. Etigwe has acted as the principal legal consultant to the Federal Government of Nigeria in the review of all the major aviation laws in Nigeria including the current Civil Aviation Act of 2006 which regulates airlines’ operating standards.​

A pioneer of class actions in Nigeria as exemplified by the actions against Pfizer for the Trovan tests and First Bank Plc for its 2007 hybrid offer, Etigwe Uwa has also acted for the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria with regard to the release of the MV Abuja, which was arrested in Sri Lanka.​
In 2010, he was awarded the rank of Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) – the Nigerian equivalent of the English rank of Queen’s Counsel.


Bonaventure Mbida-Essam

Mr. Mbida-Essama is the Chief Executive Officer at the Nelson Mandela Institution. He had previously held senior positions at the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation (IFC).

Jean-Louis Sarbib

Jean-Louis Sarbib is a Board Member of NOIPolls Limited.
He is Chief Executive Officer at Development Gateway, an international nonprofit social enterprise with the mission to reduce poverty in developing nations by improving aid effectiveness, governance, and transparency through information technology. Sarbib was at the World Bank where he occupied several senior positions.


Jean Louis-Sarabib, a member of the board of NOIPolls. He was World Bank’s Vice President for Africa, the Vice President for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), as Senior Vice President for human development, with global responsibilities for the World Bank activities in education, health, social protection, and HIV/AIDS.

He also was with Wolfensohn & Company as a Managing Director. He serves on the boards of World Links for Development, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, The International Center for Conciliation, and FXB International. He served on the board of GAVI (the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization), the board of UNESCO’s International Institute for Education Planning, chaired the governing board of the UNESCO Institute of Statistics, and represented the World Bank at Head of Agency level at the UN-AIDS Committee of Co-Sponsoring Agencies.

Sarbib has received numerous Honors and a Lifetime Award for Diversity and Inclusion from the World Bank.

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Jane Ebong

Mrs. Jane Ebong is a professional Public Relations Expert. She has held senior roles in the Nigerian Civil Service and retired as the Executive Director Services in NETCO – a subsidiary of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) after being duely screened and appointed by the FGNs Presidency. She joined the board in 2008 as its Treasurer and is a member of the Finance and Administration Committee.

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