Abuja, Nigeria. December 15th, 2020 – A new public opinion poll released by NOI Polls has revealed that 49 percent of Nigerians are aware of the development COVID-19 vaccines that have been reported to be effective against the corona virus. The analysis of respondents revealed that the South-South zone (61 percent) had more Nigerians who acknowledged awareness of vaccines that have been developed across the world and their reported effectiveness against the corona virus. Interestingly, the poll revealed almost an even split for Nigerians who are aware (49 percent) and those not aware (51 percent) of the existence of vaccines that have been reported to be effective against the corona virus. This suggests that there is currently a gap with regards to information update on advancements being made globally towards the development of effective vaccines against Coronavirus.
With regards to acceptance of the vaccine in Nigeria, the analysis of survey findings revealed that a larger proportion of Nigerians nationwide (74 percent) do support the use of these COVID-19 vaccines in Nigeria. An analysis of respondents across gender and religious groups shows that at least 69 percent of these sub-categories nationwide are in support of the use of COVID-19 vaccines in Nigeria.
Furthermore, analysis revealed that the top three reasons most Nigerians are in support of the use of these recently developed COVID-19 vaccines in Nigeria are because they believe: ‘it will prevent further spread’ (22 percent), ‘it will be for the benefit of every Nigerian’ (20 percent) and ‘it is a cure for the virus’ (21 percent). On the contrary, top three reasons opined by Nigerians who do not support the use of any COVID-19 vaccines in Nigeria are: ‘there is nothing like Coronavirus’ (30 percent), ‘belief in traditional herbs and treatment’ (29 percent), ‘vaccines might have side effect’ (24 percent). This behavioral pattern towards the treatment of COVID-19 and the lack of believe in the existence of COVID-19 portends of a serious public health risk that will ultimately affect the fight against stemming spread of the virus in Nigeria.
Further findings revealed that 39 percent of Nigerians are not willing to take the vaccine whenever it is eventually made readily available in Nigeria. Respondents in this category maybe anchoring their hopes on their faith which also presages another public health risk. Having brought this to fore, it is imperative that all stakeholders in the Nigeria Health sector, the Federal Ministry of Health and all public health experts look into the issues raised by this poll and look for ways to address them immediately to stem and avoid the spread of COVID-19 in Nigeria. These are the key highlights from the COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance Poll conducted in the week commencing December, 6th 2020.
Survey Background
Globally, there have been 72,336,167 cases of COVID-19 with 1,614,159 deaths and 47,328,633 recovered cases and Nigeria has 73,175 confirmed cases with 1,197 cases and 66,090 recovered cases as at 13:15 hour on Monday 14th December 2020.[1] However, in order to curb the infection rate, the World Health Organization (WHO) and partners are working together on the response to develop and deploy safe and effective vaccines. Vaccines save millions of lives each year. A vaccine basically trains the immune system to recognize and attack a virus, even one it hasn’t seen
before, to protect people before they’re exposed to a virus. Vaccines also protect the community by reducing the spread of disease among people.[1]
There are over 50 COVID-19 vaccine that have been in trials. Interestingly, the big breakthrough came when Pfizer/BioNTech published its first results in November. It showed the vaccine is up to 90% to 95% effective.[2] On 2 December, the UK became the first country in the world to approve the Pfizer/BioNTech coronavirus vaccine for widespread use. On 8 December, 90-year-old Margaret Keenan, became the first patient to receive the vaccine at University Hospital in Coventry, with 800,000 more doses expected to be given in the coming weeks.[3] Against this backdrop, NOIPolls conducted a survey to gauge the perceptions of Nigerians on COVID-19 vaccines.
Survey Findings
On analyzing, the awareness level and knowledge of Nigerians regarding the race for the development of COVID-19 vaccines globally; as well as the efficacy of all vaccines developed thus far. It was found that 49 percent of Nigerians nationwide are aware of the several vaccines that have been developed in countries across the world and the reported effectiveness these vaccines against the coronavirus. This implies that almost 5 in 10 (49 percent) Nigerians nationwide are aware vaccines that have been developed in countries across the world and their reported effectiveness these vaccines against the coronavirus.
Furthermore, the analysis of respondents in this category across geopolitical zone revealed that the South-south zone at 61 percent, had more Nigerians who are aware of vaccines that have been developed across the world and their reported effectiveness against the corona virus, while the North-west zone at 44 percent had the lowest number of Nigerians who are not aware.

Consequently, the survey sought to ascertain the support or acceptance of the use of these recently developed COVID-19 vaccines in Nigeria. Hence, the analysis of survey findings revealed that a larger proportion of Nigerians nationwide at 74 percent do support the use of these COVID-19 virus vaccines in Nigeria. An analysis of respondents across gender and religious groups shows that at least 6 in 10 Nigerians nationwide are in support of the use these various COVID-19 vaccines within Nigeria.
On the contrary, analysis of results revealed that 26 percent of Nigerians nationwide do support the use of these recently developed COVID-19 virus vaccines in Nigeria. Additionally, analysis of respondents in this category across geopolitical zones showed that the south-East zone at 42 percent has more Nigerians nationwide who do not support the use of any COVID-19 vaccines in Nigeria.

Furthermore, the poll sought to determine the specific reasons for supporting and not supporting the use of these vaccines in Nigeria. Hence, analysis revealed that the top three reasons why a larger proportion of Nigerians are in support of the use of these recently developed corona virus vaccines in Nigeria are: ‘To prevent further spread’ (22 percent), ‘it will be for the benefit of every Nigerian’ (20 percent) and ‘it is a cure for the virus’ (21 percent).
On the contrary, analysis revealed the top three reasons opined by Nigerians nationwide that do not support the use of any COVID-19 virus in Nigeria are: ‘there is nothing like corona virus’ (30 percent), ‘believe in traditional herbs and treatment’ (29 percent), ‘vaccines might have side effect’ (24 percent).

In addition, as the World Health Organization and other stakeholders put together plans deploy vaccines globally to clamp down the spread of Coronavirus; survey then gauged the willingness of Nigerians to take or allow the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine on them when it is eventually made readily available. Hence, analysis of results revealed that about 6 in 10 (61 percent) Nigerians nationwide are willing to take the vaccine when it is made readily available in Nigeria. More so, analysis of respondents in this category across geopolitical zone shows that the North East zone at 81 percent accounted for the sub-region with the largest proportion of Nigerians that are willing to accept the vaccine when it is made readily available; while the South-South sub-region at 41 percent had the lowest proportion.
Additionally, a quick analysis based on two the major geopolitical divide bares that more Nigerians in the northern divide at an average 72 percent are willing to accept the use of the vaccines compared to the southern divide at an average of 47 percent. Also, a quick analysis of Nigerians that are willing to take the vaccine if when made readily available with respect to their various religious inclination shows that more Muslims in Nigerian at 72 percent are willing, compared Christians at 52 percent nationwide.
On the contrary, analysis revealed that 39 percent of Nigerians nationwide are not willing to take the vaccine when it is eventually made readily available.

Furthermore, analysis of this behavioural considerations for acceptance and uptake of COVID-19 vaccines in Nigeria, it was found that the top three reasons given by Nigerians who had asserted that they are willing to take the vaccine when it readily available are: ‘because of personal health’ (28 percent), ‘to protect my life’ (23 percent) and ‘I can take it after confirming that it has no side effect’ (19 percent).
On the contrary, analysis of results shows that the top three for Nigerians who had asserted that they are not willing to take the COVID19 vaccine when it readily available are: ‘ government are just using us to make money’(25 percent),‘ I wont be infected, I believe in God’ (21 percent) and ‘ I don’t like the vaccine ( 17 percent).

Consequently, the survey gauged the opinion of Nigerians on whether taking the COVID-19 vaccine should be made compulsory for all citizens of Nigeria. Hence, the analysis of survey results revealed that 36 percent of Nigerians nationwide want the acceptance of the COVID-19 vaccines to be made compulsory for all citizens. Additionally, analysis of respondents in this category bares that the North-West zone at 45 percent had the largest proportion Nigerians that are in support of making the vaccine compulsory for all citizens; while the South-South and the South-East at 28 percent each had the lowest proportion.
On the other hand, analysis of results shows that 64 percent of Nigerians nationwide do not support making the uptake COIVID-19 vaccines compulsory for her citizenry. This implies that about 6 in 10 (64 percent) of Nigerians do not think that COVID-19 vaccines should be made compulsory for everyone in Nigeria. More so, analysis of respondent in this category across religious groups revealed that 68 percent of Christians held this believe; while for Muslims it was found to be 58 percent.

Additionally, the survey sought to determine the specific reasons why Nigerians think that the uptake of the vaccine should be made compulsory for all her citizenry and vice-versa. Hence, the analysis of results revealed that the top three reasons given by Nigerians who are in support of making the uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine compulsory for every Nigerian are:’ for public safety’ (35 percent). ‘It is not harmful’ (28 percent) and ‘to enable people socialize freely again’ (17 percent).
On the contrary, for those who are not in support of making the uptake of the vaccine compulsory for every Nigerians their top three reasons for this stand-point were found to be: ‘allow people to decide’ (23 percent), ‘make it optional’ (21 percent) and ‘everyone has a right to choose’ (21 percent).

Also, the poll gauged the opinion of Nigerians with respect to making the uptake of the vaccine a criterion for international travels. Hence, the analysis of result shows that a large majority, 78 percent of Nigerians nationwide are in support of making the uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine a criterion for international travel. However, 22 percent of Nigerians nationwide held a contrary opinion.

Subsequently, the survey sought to understand the various reasons opined by Nigerians with respect to making the uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine a criterion for international travel. Therefore, the analysis of results revealed that the top three reasons for Nigerians who are in support of making the vaccine uptake a criterion for international travel were found to be: ‘just like yellow fever, it should be a criterion’ (40 percent), ‘it will help limit the spread’ (24 percent) and ‘in other to be sure of one’s health status’ (14 percent).
On the contrary, for Nigerians who do not think that the uptake of the vaccine should be a criterion for international travel, their top three major reasons for this assertion were found to be: ‘it should be a matter of choice’ (27 percent), ‘persons should be tested / examined before giving them the vaccine’ (21 percent) and ‘No one should be forced to take any vaccine’ (20 percent).

In conclusion, the poll results revealed that 49 percent of Nigerians nationwide are aware of the several vaccines that have been developed in countries across the world and the reported effectiveness these vaccines against the coronavirus. In terms of the acceptance of the use of these recently developed COVID-19 vaccines in Nigeria, the poll revealed a large proportion of Nigerians support the use of the vaccines in Nigeria.
Alarmingly, the analysis of reasons given by Nigerians who are not in support of the use of these vaccines in Nigeria shows that they lack knowledge on the COVID-19 as this can be seen from their reasons which includes: ‘the believe that covid-19 does not exist’ and ‘their believe in traditional herbs and treatment. This behavioural pattern towards the treatment of COVID-19 and the lack of believe in the existence of COVID-19 portends of a serious public health risk that will ultimately affect the fight against stemming spread of the virus in Nigeria.
Also, the poll revealed that some Nigerians who are not willing to take the vaccine whenever it is eventually made readily available in Nigeria are only anchoring their hopes on their faith which also presages another public health risk. Finally, it is imperative that all stakeholders in the Nigeria Health sector, the Federal Ministry of Health and all public health experts look into the issues raised by this poll and look for ways to address them immediately stem and avoid the spread of COVID19 in Nigeria.
Survey Method
The poll was conducted in the week commencing December 6th, 2020. It involved telephone interviews of a random nationwide sample. 1,000 randomly selected phone-owning Nigerians aged 18 years and above, representing the six geopolitical zones in the country, were interviewed. With a sample of this size, we can say with 95% confidence that the results obtained are statistically precise – within a range of plus or minus 4.65%.
NOIPolls Limited, is the No1 for country specific polling services in West Africa. We conduct periodic opinion polls and studies on various socio-economic and political issues in Nigeria. More information is available at www.noi-polls.com or download our mobile app NOIPolls on your smartphone.
This press release has been produced by NOIPolls Limited to provide information on all issues which form the subject matter of the document. Kindly note that while we are willing to share results from our polls with the general public, we only request that NOIPolls be acknowledged as author whenever and wherever our poll results are used, cited or published.
NOIPolls hereby certifies that all the views expressed in this document accurately reflect its views of respondents surveyed for the poll, and background information is based on information from various sources that it believes are reliable; however, no representation is made that it is accurate or complete. Whilst reasonable care has been taken in preparing this document, no responsibility or liability is accepted for errors or fact or for any views expressed herein by NOIPolls for actions taken as a result of information provided in this report. Any ratings, forecasts, estimates, opinions or views herein constitute a judgment as at the date of this document. If the date of this document is not current, the views and content may not reflect NOIPolls’ current findings and/or thinking.
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[2] https://www.healthline.com/health-news/heres-exactly-where-were-at-with-vaccines-and-treatments-for-covid-19#Vaccine-development