A large majority of Nigerians support the inclusion of sex education in school curricula, according to the latest Afrobarometer survey.
However, there is significantly less support for making contraceptives widely accessible to all sexually active individuals regardless of their age or marital status.
Public opinion on abortion remains divided. While a large plurality of Nigerians report that pregnancies are frequently terminated in their communities, a similar proportion say such cases are rare or non-existent.
Large majorities believe abortion is never justified in cases of unwanted pregnancies or economic hardship, although more than half believe it can be acceptable when the mother's life or health is at risk or when the pregnancy is the product of rape or incest.
Key findings
▪ Seven in 10 Nigerians (70%) endorse the teaching of sex education in school (Figure 1).
o More educated and economically better-off citizens, the elderly, and urban residents are more likely than their counterparts to support the teaching of sex education in schools.
▪ Only about four in 10 citizens say contraceptives should be made available for anyone who is sexually active regardless of age (40%) and marital status (37%). (Figure 2).
▪ One in 10 Nigerians (10%) say women and girls in their community “often” terminate their pregnancies, and another 32% say they do so “occasionally.” Fewer than half (45%) say pregnancies are “rarely” or “never” terminated in their community. (Figure 3).
▪ More than seven in 10 citizens say abortion is “never” justified in cases where the pregnancy is unwanted (73%) or where the mother is economically unable to care for a child (71%). (Figure 4).
o But majorities think abortion is “sometimes” or “always” justified if the pregnancy is a result of rape or incest (51%) or if the mother’s health or life is as risk (59%).
Afrobarometer surveys
Afrobarometer is a pan-African, non-partisan survey research network that provides reliable data on African experiences and evaluations of democracy, governance, and quality of life. Nine survey rounds in up to 42 countries have been completed since 1999. Round 10 surveys were launched in January 2024. Afrobarometer’s national partners conduct face-to-face interviews in the language of the respondent’s choice.
The Afrobarometer team in Nigeria, led by NOIPolls, interviewed a nationally representative, random, stratified probability sample of 1,600 adult Nigerians between 19 June and 17 July 2024. A sample of this size yields country-level results with a margin of error of +/-2.5 percentage points at a 95% confidence level. Previous standard surveys were conducted in Nigeria in 2000, 2003, 2005, 2008, 2012, 2015, 2017, 2020, and 2022.
Figure 1: Should schools teach sexual education? | by demographic group
| Nigeria | 2024

Respondents were asked: For each of the following statements, please tell me whether you disagree or agree: Schools should teach sexuality education to young people to help them make informed decisions.
Figure 2: Should contraceptives be available regardless of age and marital status?
| Nigeria | 2024

Respondents were asked: For each of the following statements, please tell me whether you disagree or agree: Contraceptives should be available to everyone who is sexually active regardless of age and marital status.
Figure 3: Frequency of pregnancy termination | Nigeria | 2024

Respondents were asked: In your opinion, how often, if ever, do women or girls in your community terminate their pregnancies?
Figure 4: Justification of pregnancy termination | Nigeria | 2024

Respondents were asked: For each of the following situations, please tell me whether you think it can always be justified, sometimes be justified, or never be justified for a woman to terminate a pregnancy if:
The pregnancy is as a result of rape or she has been impregnated by a close relative such as her father or brother?
Her health or life is in danger if she keeps the pregnancy?
She is going through economic hardships and cannot take care of a child? She does not want to keep the pregnancy for any reason?
For more information, please contact:
Raphael Mbaegbu
Telephone: +234 63292096
Email: rmbaegbu@noi-polls.com
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