Abuja, Nigeria. January 17th, 2023 – A new public opinion poll released by NOIPolls has revealed the top three key areas adult Nigerians want the government to focus its attention on in 2023 are security (49 percent), job creation (39 percent), education (35 percent). Other areas include Electricity (33 percent), Reduction in high cost of goods and services (29 percent), Infrastructure (27 percent), Agriculture (18 percent) and Health (17 percent) amongst other key areas mentioned.
Regarding security, Nigeria has been plagued by several incidences of armed banditry and social unrest among other issues. The situation has worsened with even the supposedly untouchable people in the society being attacked by unruly elements daily. Nigerians residing in the North-West region are the worst hit and have experienced devastating attacks from armed bandits for a long time. Armed bandits usually kidnap unsuspecting members of the public before using their captives to secure huge ransoms in return for their release. Hundreds of people have been kidnapped and millions of naira demanded in ransom for their release thereby putting families of the kidnapped victims in great distress and confusion. Security analysts attributed the rising insecurity across the country to the lack of prosecution of arrested suspects, ease of getting firearms and the rising unemployment rate in the country[1].
On job creation, according to data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), unemployment rate in Nigeria increased to 33.30 percent in the fourth quarter of 2020 from 27.10 percent in the second quarter of 2020[2]. Also, data shows that Nigeria’s youth unemployment, which refers to the share of the labour force ages 15-24 without work but available for and seeking employment, rate for 2021 was 19.61%, a 0.06% decline from 2020[3]. In line with the above data report, Nigerians advocated that the government should focus its attention on creating jobs in 2023.
With regards to education, the sector was mostly on news in the better part of 2022 following the long strike declared by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) in February which last for over seven months. With these challenges, it is indeed imperative for the government to expedite action in the areas enumerated by Nigerians to ameliorate the sufferings Nigerians are facing so that everyone will experience prosperity in the year 2023 as every Nigerian looks forward to improvements in their lives. These are some of the key highlights from the New Year Poll conducted in the week commencing January 9th, 2023.
Survey Background
The New Year celebration is a major celebrated event in the country succeeding the yuletide celebration. The celebration is usually occasioned by carnivals, traditional dances, sharing of gifts and many more to mark the New Year. Most of the time, people see it as an opportunity to thank God for sparing their lives into the New Year while others see it as a time to start afresh and take certain trajectories in their lives. Also, many see it as an opportunity to make resolutions towards certain goals of their lives and seek to pursue it with vigour and determination. Against this backdrop, NOIPolls conducted a survey to gauge the perception of Nigerians regarding their expectations for the year 2023.
Survey Findings
Thesurvey result revealed that the top three areas Nigerians want the government to focus its attention on in 2023 are security (49 percent), job creation (39 percent) and education (35 percent) amongst other key areas.

In conclusion, the poll result shows that Nigerians want the government to focus its attention mostly on security, job creation and education in 2023. Therefore, it is expected that the government will yield to these yearnings of the masses and focus its attention on these critical areas in 2023. This is an important task the citizens are asking the government to embark upon in the New Year to ameliorate the challenges citizens are facing. It remains to be seen if the government will take up this dutiful task and bring about the much-needed change in the country.
Survey Methods
The opinion poll was conducted in the week commencing January 9th, 2021. It involved telephone interviews of a proportionate nationwide sample of 1,000 randomly selected phone-owning Nigerians aged 18 years and above, representing the six geopolitical regions and 36 states and the FCT of the country. Interviews were conducted in 5 languages – Igbo, Hausa, Yoruba, Pidgin English, and English. Although we can say with 95% confidence that the results obtained were statistically precise – within a margin of error of plus or minus 4.65%; we recognize that the exclusive use of telephone polling has its limitation of excluding non-phone-owning Nigerians. Nonetheless, with the country’s tele density put over 100 percent by the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), we consider our telephone polling approach appropriate. Also, given the rigorous scientific process of randomization and stratification applied, we can confidently stand by the validity of our methodology and approach. NOIPolls Limited, No1 for country-specific polling services in West Africa. We conduct periodic opinion polls and studies on various socio-economic and political issues in Nigeria. More information is available at www.noi-polls.com.
This press release has been produced by NOIPolls Limited to provide information on all issues which form the subject matter of the document. Kindly note that while we are willing to share results from our polls with the public, we only request that NOIPolls be acknowledged as authors whenever and wherever our poll results are used, cited, or published. NOIPolls hereby certifies that all the views expressed in this document accurately reflect the views of respondents surveyed for the poll, and background information is based on information from various sources that it believes are reliable; however, no representation is made that it is accurate or complete. Whilst reasonable care has been taken in preparing this document, no responsibility or liability is accepted for errors or fact, or any views expressed herein by NOIPolls for actions taken because of information provided in this report. Any ratings, forecasts, estimates, opinions, or views herein constitute a judgment as at the date of this document. If the date of this document is not current, the views and content may not reflect NOIPolls’ current findings and/or thinking.
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[1] https://punchng.com/nigerias-killing-field-neast-leads-as-terrorists-others-kill-53418-under-buhari/
[2] https://tradingeconomics.com/nigeria/unemployment-rate
[3] https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/NGA/nigeria/youth-unemployment-rate