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Nigerians wish one another �Peace and Prosperity� in this festive season

Abuja, Nigeria. 17 December 2012A recent snap poll conducted by NOI Polls have indicated that majority of Nigerians (68%) are wishing one another ‘Peace & Prosperity’ during this festive season. The poll which sought to sample the opinion of Nigerians regarding their hopes and expectations for this end of year festive season also showed that while 19% of respondents wished their fellow Nigerians ‘Goodwill’, a further 13% made ‘Other’ wishes such as wishing them ‘Best of luck’, ‘Safe journey’, ‘God’s protection’ and ‘Happy Christmas’. In general, the findings from this polls shows that despite the geographical, ethnic, religious and socio-economic differences of the respondents, and the challenges that the country has been through this year 2012, Nigerians are very much peace loving people, with a positive outlook towards life.

HOW WILL THE FESTIVE SEASON BE SPENT? The poll further revealed that 78% of Nigerians will either ‘Travelling’ (39%) or ‘Staying at home to relax’ (39%) during this festive season. Also 9% of respondents said they will be attending events, while 7% said they will be attending family reunions/celebrations and 5% said they do not yet know how they will be spending the festive season. For those traveling, the poll further revealed that the Christmas holiday is usually a time to touch base and celebrate with their family % friends (65%), to visit their home towns & villages (17%), and provides an opportunity to relax from work (15%).

GENERAL RISE IN PRICES The poll also sought the opinion of Nigerians as to whether they anticipate a general rise in prices of goods and services during this festive season. The results revealed that over 9 in 10 Nigerians (91%) are of the opinion that there will be general rice in prices during the festive season, with only 4% answering ‘No’. When further probed, the majority of respondents (58%) perceived that price increases will mostly be felt in the cost of food; followed by 21% who felt the increases will be in the cost of transportation and 8% who felt the increases will be felt in the cost of clothing. As a result, over 6 in 10 respondents (61%) were of the opinion that the anticipated rise in prices will lead to increased spending in: Food (46%), Transport (28%) and Clothes (21%).

PERCEPTION TOWARDS SECURITY Finally, respondents were asked to assess the security situation in their states and whether they believe their state Police Commands are ready to respond to any security alerts that may occur during this festive season. The result showed that 52% of respondents were of the opinion that their states are ‘Peaceful and secure’; while 37% said their states are ‘Peaceful, but not very secure’. A further 5% of respondents were of the opinion that their states are ‘Tense and insecure’. Similarly, on whether the state Police commands are ready to respond to any security alerts during this season, 53% of respondents answered in the affirmative, with 32% responding negatively, and 16% saying they ‘Don’t know’. Therefore, these findings appear to affirm the confidence of a good proportion of Nigerians in the capacity of Nigeria Police Force to provide the much needed security to citizens during this yuletide season.

Results are based on a nationwide telephone survey of 671 randomly selected phone-owning adults, aged 18 and older, and conducted from November 22nd – 23rd 2012. For results based on this sample size, we can say with 95% confidence that the margin of error is plus or minus 3.8 percentage points of what they would have been if the entire population had been surveyed. The margin of error reflects the influencing of data weighting, while question wording and practical difficulties in conducting surveys may introduce error or bias into the findings of public opinion polls.


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